Saturday 24 April 2021

Keeping Busy and Blog Improvements

Hello there!

It's been a busy week, so I've not had much time to do a regular post and no time for new poems.

As the saying sort of goes: 'All work and no writing makes Badger a sad Brock' (Aaahh...)

But I have been working on ideas to add more and better quality content into this Blog.  

As a start, here is a photograph of a field near Ely, Cambs from my Flickr photostream

Fen pics from 02 May 2020.

I'm also looking at ways to up the frequency of posts, share a few playlists and perhaps record a Podcast or a video.

I am working on some other ideas and projects. These range from more poetry to possibly dabbling in some animation.  I will share details with you all here when things are ready to be revealed!

Cheerio for now!


  1. Bonjour!

    Thanks for visiting and thank you for your comment, it is appreciated :-)
    *polite bow of appreciation*

    After stumbling like a -err- badger tumbling downhill after a tasty rolling cheese, I am making good on my efforts.

    I hope you will stop by again sometime.



Summertime Lethargy

Hello there! I've been feeling a bit frazzled with all the recent hot weather here. The stuffy heat is not good for a small badger of ve...