Friday 19 March 2021

Hello Again!

Hello there!

This is just a quick post to announce that this blog is being revived.

 (Watches Tumbleweed silently drifting across). 

As per the previous attempt, it will be a random rag-bag of various bits of stuff.  

(More Tumbleweed).

I've also (hopefully) solved my issues around posting regularly.  

The solution is working from home and not having to commute to an office.  Which frees up a little more time for more nature walks (British weather permitting) and random thoughts.

That and, err, actually trying to stick to a regular schedule.  That might work as well.

Initially, there will be a new post each week on a Saturday (UK time). I'll consider upping the posting frequency if all goes well.

First proper post goes live tomorrow at 6 a.m.

Cheerio for now!

Summertime Lethargy

Hello there! I've been feeling a bit frazzled with all the recent hot weather here. The stuffy heat is not good for a small badger of ve...